Sandusky Scandal Has Cost Penn State $100M So Far

Published: January 13, 2013

Although Penn State’s former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was found guilty of child molestation charges last year, the fallout for the school he worked for is far from over.

Combined with a $60 million NCAA fine, nearly $26 million in legal fees and crisis consulting costs, $13 million in future bowl revenue lost and other expenses, the financial impact to date is more than $100 million, reports the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Some of the issues the university continues to address include negotiations with Sandusky’s victims, criminal charges against former top administrators, a U.S. Department of Education Clery Act investigation, a whistleblower lawsuit, the potential for lawsuits involving other employees who left as a result of the scandal, repairing strained relations with alumni and more.

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