Responder Knowledge Base Develops Campus Safety Focus Area

Published: June 29, 2012

The Responder Knowledge Base ( announces it has designed a focus area specifically devoted to the discipline of campus safety.

The site, which is funded by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is designed to provide emergency personnel and organizations with a single source of integrated information for products, standards, certifications, training, grants, publications and equipment-related information. By clicking on the campus safety icon, users will be redirected to grants and assistance programs, standards, publications and references, operational assessments, safety notices, Web links, training, conferences and product categories; all of which specifically addresses the campus safety discipline.  By clicking on any of the links, users will be redirected to detailed information regarding the specific topic they selected.

For example, if a user wants to review a publication regarding campus security, users could select the “Campus Security and Crime Prevention” article, located within the publications and references section.   This provides specific information about the article. When reviewing the details page, users will also see a knowledge section (KLINKs) to the right of the page. KLINKs connect relevant content, allowing users to view a full circle of information. In this instance, users will find grants, publications, Web links, and products that are related to this specific publication.

The RKB welcomes feedback and suggestions, which can be submitted via the provide feedback option, located under the jelp link.  For additional information, e-mail the RKB at [email protected] or call (877) 336-2752.

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