BOCA RATON, Fla. ─ The Boca Raton Police Department (BRPD) collaborated with VidSys, a physical security information management (PSIM) software provider, to protect the Obama and Romney motorcades as they traveled to and from the third presidential debate at Lynn University here.
Providing one continuous view of the three-mile route on a single screen, the VidSys PSIM software helped the Boca Raton Police Department monitor for, respond to and manage potential security threats that could have disrupted or delayed the Oct. 22 event.
Prior to the debate, BRPD worked with VidSys to create a centralized, preconfigured view within the software that displayed all city traffic cameras along each motorcade’s path. Deployed in the command center within the police department’s administrative offices, the software enabled officers to monitor the route from start to finish easily, tracking the progression of each motorcade from one camera to the next as they traveled along city streets to the entrance of Lynn University.
“The BRPD assumed essential security responsibilities for the presidential debate. In support of this mission, Boca Raton used the VidSys software platform seamlessly to integrate critical video assets into a single operating platform,” said Michael P. Jackson, chairman and CEO of VidSys.
Additionally, the department coordinated with the Secret Service, which oversaw the entire event, as well as representatives from Miami Dade and Broward Counties on security efforts surrounding the debate.
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