OJP Announces New Tribal Justice and Safety Web Site

Published: December 6, 2006

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP) has launched a new Tribal Justice and Safety Web site.

The Internet home page, http://www.usdoj.gov/tribaljusticeandsafety, will be a resource for American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments and communities, and will help the general public and other federal agencies to better understand the resources available for improving safety in Native American communities.

I am honored to deliver the promise that I made to provide a ‘one stop shop’ that will enhance the prevention of and response to crime and the administration of justice in Indian country,” said Regina B. Schofield, Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs. “This will serve as a medium for talking about promising practices across the nation. Crime knows no boundaries, and the Tribal Justice and Safety Web site is another way we are using technology to prevent crime and violence from taking root in our communities.

The site serves as a single source of information about courts, corrections, law enforcement, crime statistics, crime prevention, legal and other public safety issues. It also provides a resource for tribal communities to solicit information about how the Department can meet their informational, training, and funding needs.

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OJP has long provided critical support to tribes in such areas as victim and youth services, criminal justice enhancements and alcohol and substance abuse prevention. Through the Justice Programs Council on Native American Affairs, which Assistant Attorney General Schofield established last year, OJP is working to coordinate all of the Department’s crime prevention efforts on behalf of Native American tribes. Now both the Council and the new Web site will work to determine how the Department can best serve tribal communities.

Assistant Attorney General Schofield noted that “Only by committing ourselves to a sustained and strategic response to crime and violence in Indian country can tribes realize the dream of safe and peaceful communities.”


OJP press release

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