Study Shows LGBTQ Youth Subject to Discrimination by School Authorities

The report looks at how the ways youths identify themselves impacts their experience with school discipline, harassment and criminalization.
Published: October 14, 2014

The Gay-Straight Alliance Network (GSA Network) and Crossroads Collaborative, a research team led by faculty from the University of Arizona, have released a joint report on discipline disparities and the school-to-prison pipeline for nonconforming youth and LGBTQ youth of color. The GSA Network also teamed up with Advancement Project, a national civil rights organization, to release a set of policy recommendations surrounding this issue based on research for school staff, policy makers and youth advocating for change.

The report finds that LGBTQ youth of color and nonconforming youth are often blamed for their own victimization and are targeted by schools for harsh and biased disciplinary measures. The report also found these youths are subject to increased policing and surveillance by school authorities.

The policy recommendations that accompany the report calls for schools to implement the recent Department of Education and Department of Justice Guidance on School Climate and Discipline, eliminate zero tolerance policies and limit the role of police in schools.

You can read the full report here.

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