New Jersey’s Higher Education Peer Review Program

Institutions of higher education in New Jersey are required to participate in a peer review program. The process, which is the only one of its kind in the nation, gives colleges and universities a way to review the laws that impact them and assess how or if they are meeting the requirements of those laws. It also provides them a baseline for campus safety and security.
Published: May 28, 2012

The program involves three steps.

  1. The first involves the completion of an annual 140-question self-assessment survey. Information is entered into a secure Web server that is used for analysis and sharing of information.
  2. The second stage includes an onsite visit of each institution to validate proper completion of the survey as well as to verify the existence of required documents and emergency plans. The onsite visit is conducted once every five years by trained peer reviewers.
  3. The final step is completed at the end of the annual cycle when all responses are collated and reviewed. The review is designed to identify security gaps. The concerns are then addressed via training.

Click here to review the scope of the program.

Click here to view the self-assessment tool. It should be noted that the following three questions will be added to the self-assessment as of July 1:

  1. Is your institution aware of its responsibilities under Federal Title IX with regard to sexual violence?
  2. Has your emergency operations plan been coordinated with authorities as required by Law P.L. 2011, Chapter 214?
  3. Does the institution have a cyber-security plan or framework in the emergency operations plan that promotes the capability to perform essential functions during an emergency that disrupts normal operations?

Click here to view the Peer Reviewer Report.

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