Most Portland High Schools Not Conducting Required Lockdown Drills

Oregon law requiring drills went into effect last summer, but only two high schools have complied.
Published: June 25, 2014

An investigation by a local newspaper has found that only two out of nine public high schools in Portland, Ore., have complied with state emergency drill requirements.

In response to the December 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, state legislators passed a law requiring schools to conduct two safety threat drills for students each year. However, only Cleveland and Madison high schools complied with the law, while Benson, Franklin, Grant, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Wilson did not, reports the Oregonian.

Some of the schools did conduct “lockdown team response” exercises where classes would continue while a small team responds to the threat. That type of exercise, however, does not comply with the law, according to one lawmaker.

Currently, the district does not have a system to track which schools have conducted the appropriate drills, however, next year one should be in place.

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The law, which went into effect last summer, also requires two earthquake drills and one fire drill.

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