Kentucky Conference Attracts Healthcare Security Managers

The regional conference brought together security personnel to discuss best practices in the healthcare field.
Published: October 6, 2016

The annual Kentucky Healthcare Coalition Conference took place in Lexington Sept. 27-29.

The Kentucky Society for Healthcare Engineers conference also served as a Region 2 training seminar for the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS).

Healthcare security managers, directors and supervisors attended the event to meet with vendors, network and learn from a series of breakout sessions hosted by experts with a lifetime of experience in the industry.

“I look forward to attending this each year because you really get a chance to hear from what I consider rock stars in the field,” says Luke Manuel, the director of security at Rockcastle Regional Hospital. “Hearing from these people sort of refreshes your approach and revitalizes you to think outside the box and consider different things.”

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Attendees came from as far away as Maryland to hear from experts such as Alan Lynch, the Director of Safety and Security for St. Luke’s University Health Network (N.J., Pa.), Joseph Bellino, the Director of Public Safety at Gwinnett Health System (Ga.), Scott Hill, the Director of Security at King’s Daughters Medical Center (Ky.) and others.

Topics such as workplace violence, emergency department security, threat assessments and active shooters were analyzed and discussed.

“Getting everyone together in a training environment and getting good information is always a great experience,” IAHSS Region 2 Chair Bill Navejar says. “People from ASHE, IAHSS and materials management were able to hear from some of the leading professionals in the country.”

Manuel says healthcare managers are constantly dealing with new challenges.

“It’s a rapidly changing field, the rules change and systems change and regulations change,” Manuel says. “That’s why it’s really important to get together at least yearly to talk about how those changes are affecting our jobs and how we do things.”

Manuel listed several takeaways he had from the conference, which he says improves every year. Navejar echoed that sentiment.

“I hope events like this will continue to grow in the region,” Navejar says. “It gets better and better every year and we hope next year will be even better.”

KSHE is a professional society devoted exclusively to the education, development and expansion of skill and standards of the Environment of Care disciplines performed in healthcare industries.

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