HOUSTON – More than $6.6 million in federal grants for after-school programs were awarded March 17 to Harris County Department of Education’s Cooperative for After-School Enrichment (CASE) program.
The Texas Education Agency announced the award of the five-year grants for 21st Century Community Learning Centers for 10 locations within six area school districts.
According to the Harris County Department of Education, it was the only Houston-based organization to receive the two major grant awards from a cumulative 20 awarded to Texas-area school districts.
“This is a new day for after school in Houston,” said CASE Director Shannon Bishop. “With these opportunities we celebrate new partnerships with limitless possibilities for furthering the cause of after school in greater Harris County.”
CASE collaborated with six school districts and 47 community-based organizations, agencies and an institution of higher education to meet the needs of each campus and their students. The grants incorporate family-literacy components and parent-involvement activities with after-school initiatives.
The 21st Century Learning Center Cycle 4 grants are awarded to after-school sites in Alief, Houston, Clear Creek, Galena Park, Spring Branch and Pasadena independent school districts.
For more information, call (713) 696-0752.