Former Employee Commits Suicide at Florida Hospital

Published: November 8, 2010

PALM BAY, Fla. – Authorities released the 911 calls made on Nov. 4 when a former cafeteria cashier took his own life in a Brevard County hospital.

John Jack, 39, barricaded himself inside an area of the hospital cafeteria and aimed his gun at anyone that approached him, according to an article on Police say Jack sent text messages to his friends stating his intention to take his own life in the hospital. Investigators suggest that he had gone to the hospital to say goodbye to former colleagues and only withdrew his firearm when they attempted to console him.  

Jack kept authorities at bay for bay for approximately four hours before committing suicide, reported Mail Online. There was no exchange of fire between Jack and authorities and he did not take any hostages.

Investigators told that Jack had fought with his landlord earlier in the day about his inability to pay his rent, and was very likely depressed and desperate.

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Scheduled surgeries and services in the hospital continued unabated during the incident, Mail Online reported.

Posted in: News

Tagged with: Mental Health, Suicide

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