Dallas to Host 5th Annual Conference on Crimes Against Women

Published: February 2, 2010

Dallas will host the Fifth Annual Conference on Crimes Against Women (CCAW) March 8-10. It is co-sponsored by Genesis Women’s Shelter and the Dallas Police Department. 

  “This comprehensive conference offers the opportunity for police officers, prosecutors and victims advocates to hear and learn about the best practices and cutting edge techniques to help keep women safe from violence,” said Jan Langbein, Executive Director of Genesis Women’s Shelter.  “It is our hope that by attending the Conference on Crimes Against Women, these men and women will return to where they are from with new ideas and a new energy to say, ‘I will be a part of the solution to this global epidemic,'” said Conference Director Jennifer Cyr.

One highlight of the Conference will be a presentation made by the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office about its Conviction Integrity Unit. The Conviction Integrity Unit was formed to review old questionable convictions by using modern scientific evidence. This presentation will review the wrongful convictions and subsequent exonerations of over 20 men in Dallas County.

  Also speaking at the conference is esteemed author and national domestic violence expert Lundy Bancroft.  The three-day conference will also feature presentations on interrogation techniques, investigating sexual assault cases, human trafficking, effective courtroom testimony in domestic violence cases and many others.The Conference on Crimes Against Women will be held at Sheraton Hotel in Downtown Dallas on the corner of Olive Street and Live Oak.  Registration rates are $350 per person, and the Sheraton Hotel is offering special room rates for the conference.

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Hotel reservations can be made by calling 214-922-8000 or by visiting www.starwoodhotels.com.  Registration for the conference is available online at www.ccawonline.org or by calling 214-389-7700.

ABOUT THE CONFERENCE ON CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN: The annual Conference on Crimes Against Women (CCAW) offers training from top national experts on investigating, assisting victims and prosecuting crimes against women.  Law enforcement officers, prosecutors and victims advocates gather in Dallas to learn cutting edge techniques taught by the most recognized experts in their fields.

ABOUT GENESIS WOMEN’S SHELTER:  Since it’s founding in 1985, Genesis Women’s Shelter has been committed to providing quality safety and shelter to battered women and their children through crisis intervention and short-term crisis therapeutics and to reduce the occurrence of violence against women and children in the greater Dallas area.  Genesis Women’s Shelter is also committed to raising the level of community awareness regarding the pervasiveness and effects of domestic violence.  The organization provides free and confidential counseling and case management to more than 700 residential clients and 2,500 non-residential clients each year.  For additional information about Genesis Women’s Shelter, please visit www.genesisshelter.org.

ABOUT THE DALLAS POLICE DEPARTMENT:  Since its creation more than 120 years ago, the Dallas Police Department has created an atmosphere of ethical, caring behavior.  The 2,977 sworn officers and 556 civilians who make up the department, take special pride in helping to make Dallas a safe place to live, work and visit.


CCAW press release

Posted in: News

Tagged with: Domestic Violence

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