Victims advocates are proposing amendments to the Clery Act and Title IX that would require colleges to provide comprehensive processes for adjudicating sexual assault cases, guarantee victim accommodations and offer prevention education, according to the Center for Public Integrity.
The provisions of the proposal, which is called “Campus Sexual Assault Free Environment (SAFE) Blueprint,” are intended to make the higher education judicial system more transparent and accountable. These provisions would require institutions of higher education to:
- Annually notify students of their Title IX rights
- Publish a sexual assault policy
- Report the number of campus disciplinary actions, findings and sanctions to the U.S. Department of Education
Colleges that violate the law could be fined $27,500.
The proposal was drafted by S. Daniel Carter of Security On Campus and was spurred by a year-long investigation that found student victims of sexual assaults faced many barriers to reporting what happened to them. In many cases, the processes encouraged them to remain silent.
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