CCUPCA’s 2019 Spring Conference Is April 24-26!

The 2019 CCUPCA Spring Conference is just around the corner. It will take place at the University of Southern California April 24-26.
Published: April 17, 2019

The 2019 CCUPCA Spring Conference is just around the corner. It will take place at the University of Southern California April 24-26.

The 2019 CCUPCA Spring Conference Schedule:

4/23 Tuesday

  • 1715-1900 Social Hour Meet & Greet (USC Hotel, Trophy Room) *optional

4/24 Wednesday

  • 0730-0800 Registration/Check-in (Main Hallway)
  • 0800-0830 Welcome and Program Overview – CCUPCA President Hampton Cantrell
  • 0830-1200 Magnus Leadership: Theories and Imperatives for the Executive Leader (Main Ballroom) – Dr. Mark Javidi
  • 1200-1315 Vendor Sponsored Luncheon (Main Ballroom)
  • 1315-1500 Vendor Product Show (Main Ballroom)
  • 1515-1700 CCUPCA Member Symposium – First VP Jeff Talbott & Treasurer Al Jackson

4/25 Thursday

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  • 0800-1200 Active Shooter School Survivor on Overcoming Personal and Professional Obstacles: a Perspective – Sgt. Rob Young, Stockton Unified School Police
  • 1200-1300 Lunch
  • 1300-1430 A First Responder Account: the Las Vegas Mass Shooting – Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
  • 1430-1530 Identifying and Addressing Workplace Aggression & Hostility – Attorney Alan Atlas
  • 1545-1700 College Compliance regarding Title IX & C.E.C – Attorney Alan Atlas
  • 1800-1900 Social Hour
  • 1900-2100 2019 Recognition Banquet – Keynote Speaker, Dr. Erroll G. Southers, Professor of the Practice in National and Homeland Security (Main Ballroom)

4/26 Friday

  • 0830-0930 CCUPCA General Board Meeting – President Hampton Cantrell
  • 0930-1100 Legislative Updates – Attorney John Lovell
  • 1100-1200 Conference Review & Closing Comments – President Hampton Cantrell

The Speakers

Dr. Mitch Javidi: Dr. Javidi is the developer of “MAGNUS OVEA,” a general theory of Wellness, Resiliency and Leadership.  He is a published scholar with over 890+ conference presentations worldwide to include presentations for Fortune 500 companies as well as top Public Safety organizations including FBI NAA, HAPCOA, HIDTA, National Tactical officers Association, California Police Chiefs Associations, National Sheriffs Association, Women Leadership in law Enforcement, California Chief of Police Association, California Tactical Officers Association, LLE, and may other national and state associations. As well, he has provided educational programs for NYPD, LAPD, Ventura County Sheriff’s Office, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office, Ogden Police Department, NC State Patrol, Harris County Sheriff’s Office, Walnut Creek Police Department and 200+ other agencies nationwide.

His most recent co-authored article was published in the Police Chief Magazine.  His select books include “Deliberate Leadership: Achieving Success Through Personal Styles,” “Handbook of Research on Effective Communication, Leadership, and Conflict Resolution”, and “Moral Compass for the Law Enforcement Professionals”.  His coauthored article entitled “Human Factors: Police Leaders Improving Safety While Developing Meaningful Public Trust” coauthored with Dr. Anthony Normore and Lt. Darius Bone was published by the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin with another pending. Click here for publications.

Dr. Javidi is an envisioneer with over 30 years of practical and hands-on Leadership Development experience in diverse industries including Academia, Military, Law Enforcement, Government, and Technology.  As a globally recognized leader, he is the founder of the National Command & Staff College, Institute for Credible Leadership Development and the Criminal Justice Commission for Credible Leadership Development.

Dr. Erroll G. Southers: Dr. Erroll Southers is a Professor of the Practice in National and Homeland Security, Director of the Safe Communities Institute (SCI), and Director of Homegrown Violent Extremism Studies in the Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California.

He is a former FBI Special Agent, who has served in counterterrorism and public safety positions at every level of government. Dr. Southers was President Barack Obama’s first nominee for Transportation Security Administration Assistant Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s appointee as Deputy Director for Critical Infrastructure of the California Office of Homeland Security, where he led the identification, prioritization and protection of the state’s potential terror targets, the nation’s largest such dataset. He served as Assistant Chief of Homeland Security and Intelligence at the Los Angeles World Airports Police Department, police officer and gang investigator with the Santa Monica Police Department and enjoyed the distinction of being a member of FBI SWAT.

Dr. Southers has testified before the full Congressional Committee on Homeland Security as a subject matter expert on several occasions, including the Boston Marathon Bombings. He is a noted counterterrorism expert and security analyst to a variety of media networks, documentary films, lectures and consults around the world. Dr. Southers earned his undergraduate degree from Brown University, and he holds masters and doctoral degrees in public policy from USC.

For additional information, visit or email [email protected].

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