CCUPCA Now Accepting Awards Nominations

Published: November 29, 2006

LOS ANGELES – The California College and University Police Chief Association (CCUPCA) announces that nominations for its awards program are now being accepted.

Awards will be presented at the CCUPCA Training Conference April 12 in South Lake Tahoe. Individuals can be nominated for the following categories:


    Purpose: The Award of Valor is intended to recognize an officer who distinguishes themselves with conspicuous bravery, heroism, or other outstanding action and under circumstances where the officer was fully aware of the scope of the action and the threat to physical safety.

    Eligibility: Recipients can be anyone who is in a law enforcement-related job (either sworn or non-sworn) within the organization. It is not necessary that the recipient be a member of CCUPCA.

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    Nomination: Any member of the department employing the nominee can make the nomination. The department head must support the nomination. The executive of a college or university or any member of the CCUPCA Board of Directors may nominate department heads.


    Purpose: The Award of Merit is presented to any person affiliated with educational law enforcement who by their act or acts, tangibly and conspicuously further the cause of educational law enforcement by outstanding or superior conduct. The performance of such act or acts shall be motivated solely by the desire to benefit the educational law enforcement community without thought of personal gain.

    Eligibility: Recipients can be anyone who is in a educational law enforcement-related job (either sworn or non-sworn) within the organization. It is not necessary that the recipient be a member of CCUPCA.

    Nomination: Any member of the department employing the nominee can make the nomination. The department head must support the nomination. The executive of a college or university or any member of the CCUPCA Board of Directors may nominate department heads.


    Purpose: The Award of Distinction is presented for an outstanding act or accomplishment by a educational law enforcement individual (sworn or non-sworn), individual out-side educational law enforcement, organization or business for an action, activity or service that performs a great service to the educational law enforcement community.

    Eligibility: Any individual or organization that meets the above description.

    Nomination: Any member of CCUPCA or educational law enforcement agency may make nominations.


    Purpose: The Certificate of Appreciation is presented to an educational law enforcement individual (sworn or non-sworn), individual out-side educational law enforcement, organization or business for an action or service which enhances the image of CCUPCA and/or the educational law enforcement profession.

    Eligibility: Any individual or organization that meets the above description.

    Nomination: Any member of CCUPCA or educational law enforcement agency may make nominations.


    Purpose: The Kirk Johnston Memorial Supervisor’s Award is intended to recognize supervisors who have distinguished themselves for exemplary service to the campus.

    Eligibility: Recipients can be any member of a campus police or security department above the rank of patrol officer and below the rank of chief who though continuous exemplary service, action or activity or by one exemplary effort demonstrated exemplary supervisor ability. The exemplary efforts of the supervisor must have a positive effect on the students, staff and guests of the campus.

    Nomination: Any member of the campus employing the nominee can submit the supervisor for consideration by the CCUPCA Awards Committee. The Department head must support the nomination.

Got to  “Awards” for more information and an online nomination form.

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