In 2013, Americans who identify themselves as Hispanic, African American, Asian, American Indian, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, or mixed race made up approximately 39 percent of the U.S. population.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2050, minorities will make up more than 50 percent of the population.
While diversity isn’t only about race, this statistic shows how rapidly the American landscape is changing.
In today’s world where we seem more divided than ever in some ways, we need to emphasize the importance of diversity on campus. We need to set examples for our current and future generations that show our schools are accepting of any and all differences.
Whether you’re looking to hire a new employee or just want to ensure your campus is one that makes all stakeholders feel welcomed and safe, this quiz will help you define and recognize the benefits of diversity on your campus. It will test your knowledge on important terms related to diversity and the federal laws that have been put in place to prevent discrimination in both employment and education.
While it is geared towards its own employees, FEMA offers a free diversity course that would be beneficial to anyone participating in campus life. The course dives into the agency’s commitment to diversity, how culture influences our interactions with others and the actions we can take to optimize diversity.
Take this quick quiz — which contains actual questions from FEMA’s course exam (plus a few others) — and see where you stand.
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