Calif. District Agrees to Treat Transgender Students Equally

Published: July 29, 2013

ARCADIA, Calif. — The Arcadia Unified School District has reached an agreement with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) to close an investigation involving allegations of discrimination against a transgender student.

OCR was investigating a 2011 complaint alleging that the district prohibited a student, who was born female but has identified as a male from a young age, from using the boys restrooms and locker rooms because he is transgender, the Los Angeles Times reports. The complaints also claim that during a district-sponsored overnight camp, the student was required to stay in a cabin separate from all his classmates.

Under the agreement, the district will take immediate steps to treat the student like all other male students. Officials also plan to amend its policies to label gender-based discrimination as a form of discrimination based on sex. All teachers will also undergo training on preventing gender-based injustice.

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