Attending the Campus Safety National Forum or Conferences? Prepare to Be Impressed!

All three of this summer's events will feature presentations from security, emergency management, public safety and technology top experts.
Published: June 17, 2015

Those of you who know me well are probably sick and tired of hearing me brag about how awesome the presenters will be at this year’s National Forum in Washington, D.C. (June 24-26), Chicago Campus Safety Conference (July 13-14) and Los Angeles Campus Safety Conference (July 23-24), but I just can’t help myself. If you attend one or all of our conferences, you too will be blown away by the caliber and experience of the presenters. CS has partnered with the University of Southern California, the University of Chicago and Northern Virginia Community College to present school, university and hospital security, emergency management, public safety and technology experts who are the cream of the crop.

Need help with Clery compliance and VAWA? Attend our in-depth pre-conference training at our National Forum in Washington, which will feature Alison Kiss and Abigail Boyer from the Clery Center for Security On Campus.

Are you having trouble determining how many officers should be in your campus public safety department? At the Los Angeles Campus Safety Conference, Paul Verrecchia of Margolis Healy will unveil a methodology that will help attendees determine appropriate department staffing levels in Where to Set the Bar: Determining Appropriate Levels of Public Safety Staffing.

Want to decrease disruptive, anti-social and violent behavior at your hospital? According to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin’s Mike Thiel and Joel Lashley, traditional patient relations strategies and de-escalation training have failed to address violence prevention and have possibly even contributed to the problem. They will be presenting Violence-Free Hospitals: A New Way of Thinking at the Chicago event.

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Those are just a few of our educational sessions, but there is so much more to all three of our events. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention our outstanding keynotes. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) will be discussing the Campus Accountability and Safety Act at the National Forum. Frequent CS contributor and Safe Havens International Executive Director Michael Dorn will also keynote our National Forum, as well as our Chicago conference. Not to be out done, Los Angeles County’s new sheriff, Jim McDonnell, will be a keynote speaker at the Los Angeles Campus Safety Conference.

And, of course, let’s not forget our outstanding sponsors that will be exhibiting at all three events, including the National Forum Expo in Washington, D.C., June 25-26. Be sure to check out all of the latest campus security, technology, emergency management and law enforcement solutions in these exhibit halls.

Outstanding educational sessions, keynote speakers and vendor exhibitions, not to mention the excellent networking opportunities, make the Campus Safety National Forum and Chicago Campus Safety Conference and Los Angeles Campus Safety Conference must-attend events. For more information, visit

For those of you who have already registered, see you at the show!

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