3 Students Charged in 'Kick a Ginger' Attacks

Published: November 29, 2009

Three Southern California middle-school students have been arrested in connection with at least seven Nov. 20 attacks of their red-haired classmates. The attacks were prompted by a Facebook group that announced “kick a ginger day.”

Florida middle school students have participated in a similar assaults aimed at Jews. Ten have been suspended for taking part in “kick a Jew day.”

According to ktla.com, on the West Coast, two male students at A.E. Wright Middle School have been charged with battery, while a third has been charged with making threats via electronic means. Another five boys are suspected of also taking part in the attacks against students with red hair.

The Naples Daily News is reporting that 10 students in North Naples, Fla., received one-day in-school suspensions the week of Nov. 16 for kicking their Jewish classmates.

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The California attacks of red-haired students were inspired by a four-year-old episode of “South Park”, which was intended to lampoon prejudice. According to ktla.com, “kick a ginger day” began last year by youths circulating messages on the Internet encouraging others to beat-up redheads.

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Posted in: News

Tagged with: Bullying, Cyberbullying

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