Hello and welcome!
The Campus Safety and Violence Prevention Knowledge Community (KC) is a forum for all higher education administrators responsible for the safety, security, and emotional needs of the campus community and institution. By encouraging member interaction through the sharing of ideas, trends, best practices, resources, and research, the Campus Safety and Violence Prevention KC fosters collaboration, awareness, and support for campus safety. Campus Safety has partnered with NASPA and this KC to create a hub of content that supports these interactions. We hope these resources support safety on your campus and beyond.
For more information on the knowledge community, click here!
For more information on in-person learning opportunities, please visit Campus Safety Conference.
Latest Posts
Prevention Training Matters More than Response in the Fight Against Active Shooters
Threat assessment training should be provided to anyone in any community, not just to campus behavioral intervention team…
Insights July 305 Takeaways from the Liberty University Clery Audit
The report rebuked the school’s Clery compliance program and provides other colleges and universities with helpful insights to…
Insights July 299 Changes We Will Soon See in Campus Policing and Public Safety
According to a wide range of college campus public safety professionals, police departments will experience the following changes…
Insights July 26