Latest In: Clery / Title IX

Dear Colleague Letter Lawsuits LGBTQ+ Issues Student Discipline Student Health Student Privacy Transgender

Trump Withdraws Title IX Guidance on Transgender Bathroom Policies in Schools

The departments that made the announcement said state's should have more of a role in determining school bathroom…

News February 23
Sexual Misconduct Student Discipline Student Safety Title IX

Stanford Lawyer Released After Criticism of University’s Sexual Assault Proceedings

The criticism played a role in Stanford University's decision to release the lawyer.

News February 14
LGBTQ+ Issues Student Health Student Housing Student Privacy Transgender

DOJ Ends Challenge to Transgender Title IX Injunction

The announcement shows President Donald Trump's administration may not believe Title IX protects students from discrimination based on…

News February 14
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Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series