Clemson and Scout: Full-Coverage Defense

Find out how our dispatch consoles scored big at Clemson, as we solved its police/fire/EMS interoperability challenges.
Published: March 17, 2021

How do six local, county and state public safety agencies keep 81,000 Clemson University football fans safe on Saturday home games? With reliable, clear and quick communication. It sounds simple, but different jurisdictions tend to operate on equipment and radio bandwidths that best suit them.

This reality makes it a lot harder for them to communicate with other public safety agencies even when they’re working together. For example, during home football games, Clemson University’s public safety agencies enlist the help of the city of Clemson’s police, fire and EMS, as well as county and state assets. That’s a lot of jurisdictions for whom clear communication is paramount. To complicate the matter, the various branches of a university’s public safety department can often struggle with the same problem: the college’s police department sometimes can’t easily talk via radio to its own fire department or EMS personnel.

Communication interoperability (or lack thereof) is one of the biggest challenges facing most university public safety agencies, and it’s one of the biggest benefits of deploying an Avtec Scout dispatch console, among many others.

So, check out the latest case study from Avtec, Inc., and get an inside look at how our Scout dispatch consoles scored big at Clemson University.

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