10 Wins Key Control Provides to Campus Fleet Managers

How key control helps campus fleet managers secure and track fleet assets.
Published: May 22, 2023

University fleet vehicles keep campus crowds rolling in on time for daily schedules. Whether a campus sprawls across multiple locations, or nestles on a few dozen acres, hundreds of fleet vehicles exist on academic campuses including scooters, bikes, shuttles, vans, buses, security vehicles, golf carts, tractors, trucks, and more.

Motorized mechanical modes of transportation require keys to start them up. Factor in duplicate keys and hundreds exist in campus fleet systems. Fleet keys require accountability, so they do not end up with people with malicious intent.

Accountability for hundreds of campus vehicle keys no longer need be a tedious and time-consuming process. Gone are pegboards displaying labelled keys and clipboards with sign-out sheets. Thirty years ago, the first-ever invented electronic key control system revolutionized campus key control policies, adding instant accountability for large key inventories.

Thanks to electronic key control, hundreds of unidentifiable and useless keys residing in desk drawers have also faded away. Presently hundreds of university campuses have electronic key control systems installed to boost security for transportation fleets.

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These systems prevent lost keys and vehicles and securely release them only to authorized users pre-programmed into the system based on specific user criteria. They also allow campus fleet managers a centralized approach to vehicle security.

Centralized fleet management ensures that vehicles are available when needed and are in top operating condition. Key control systems also help fleet managers comply with State and Federal driver requirements.

Here are 10 major wins when key control is used for campus fleets:

  • Keeps Track of Fleet Keys – When fleet managers control the keys, they control the fleet. Key control systems provide instant knowledge of vehicle usage and keep keys secure in a locked cabinet with controlled access.
  • Improves Access Control to Fleet Vehicles – Electronic key control makes it possible to program and assign users. Fleet managers can easily manage keys and vehicles and the people who use them.
  • Provides Accountability for Fleet Users – A key control system allows drivers to take keys only for specific vehicles they are authorized to use. When keys are not returned on time, system prompts and alarms notify fleet managers so immediate action can be taken.
  • Improves Fleet Asset Management – Campus fleet vehicles are assets. Key control decreases the risk for stolen or damaged vehicles. Fleet keys are also assets. Campus vehicles are better managed and tracked when all vehicle keys are managed and tracked.
  • Saves Money – Rekeying is expensive when vehicle keys go missing. Electronic key control prevents lost keys and provides tracking for all keys and vehicles.
  • Saves Time – When keys need to be hunted down, time is wasted. Electronic key control tracks keys and ensures that they are available when needed.
  • Optimizes Fleet Vehicles – The software in the system makes it possible for vehicles to have balanced usage. When vehicles are taken off-line for routine maintenance, other vehicles are assigned for use. This keeps the fleet in top operating condition.
  • Eliminates Fleet Under-Utilization – Newer vehicles are not used more frequently than older fleet vehicles. Vehicle rotation maximizes the life of each fleet asset.
  • Right-Sizes the Fleet – When fleet vehicles are optimized and utilized, there is no need to purchase or rent additional vehicles.
  • Provides Instant Audit Trails – Every key transaction is recorded and leaves an instant audit trail. If a vehicle is returned damaged or with extra mileage, fleet administrators can easily access automated records to identify the last user. Audit reports can be downloaded at any time.

Campus fleet managers have a lot of responsibilities – and a lot of keys and vehicles to manage. Keys are the cornerstone of a viable and optimal fleet. Ensuring that the location of all vehicle keys is always known and that they are all being used only by authorized users is essential for fleet utilization and optimization. Key control is an important tool for campus fleet managers who can benefit by using an auditable system to secure and organize all vehicle keys for a campus fleet.

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