Dealing with Difficult People

If you missed, or could not attend the 2014 Campus Safety Conference, or want to revisit the content from the event please download the full PDF file of the presentation below.

Words matter! What we say and how we say it can be the difference between a fight and voluntary compliance with police and security direction. The words we choose, our tone, pitch, and volume-along with our non-verbal cues-can further our customer service goals and, in the case of a toxic situation, defuse it in a positive manner. How we speak and interact with others can also reduce complaints and enhance our reputation as caring professionals. The long-term benefit of this reputation is closer cooperation between police and security and the communities we serve. Also, the benefits of this training are not limited to public safety professionals: the principles covered in the training can also be used for more effective and amicable communications between spouses as well as between parents and children.

Based on the principles of Verbal Judo, this 60 entertaining minute class, presented by a certified Verbal Judo trainer, covers:

  • Ten phrases you should never use
  • Why others do not hear what we say
  • How to establish a link and build rapport between you and an angry citizen
  • The biggest obstacle to effective communications
  • How to end an angry citizen’s rant
  • Techniques that will help your officers gain compliance while protecting them and your agency from complaints
  • What to do when words fail

This class is applicable to police and security officers as well as any person in a service capacity. It has been presented to college police officers as well as students, faculty and staff, and is consistently praised as both useful and entertaining.

To access this featured download, please login with your Campus Safety membership, or register to become a FREE member below. If you are already logged in, simply hit download below to obtain this document.

Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series