In times of an emergency, your number one priority is to communicate. But no one type of technology can reach everyone in a campus community.
This new download, “Are Your Emergency Messages Reaching The Right People,” addresses the pros and cons of some of the more popular mass notification solutions available today, as well as suggestions on how to make your emergency alert program more effective.
SMS text messaging systems, loudspeakers and other audible announcements, and digital displays all have their advantages. But none of them on their own can get the message out to everyone.
What campuses need is a multi-modal approach. One that includes SMS alerts, emails, push notifications, RSS feeds, computer screen takeovers, CAP alerts, loudspeaker announcements, digital signage messages and social media. Other important things are the ability to communicate in other languages and the ability to have two-way conversations.
The resource also provides other practices that can help your organization develop an effective overall mass notification program. Download your free copy today.