4 Questions Every Campus Should Ask When Implementing an Access Control Program

Institutions of higher education and healthcare organizations should adopt access solutions that interoperate and integrate with other systems and databases that help manage departments like HR and student services.

Access control solutions of all types, including card and biometric access management systems, locks and door hard- ware, continue to be installed in North American educational and healthcare institutions at a record pace. According to Campus Safety magazine’s most recent access control survey, 82 percent of healthcare survey respondents and 74 percent of higher ed respondents have purchased card and/or biometric access control systems or are considering the purchase of these systems in the next two years. Additionally, nearly three out of four hospitals have purchased visitor management systems and/or secure front entrances or are considering doing so. Locks and door hardware have also been popular purchases by universities and hospitals, with nearly four in five indicating they have already bought these solutions or are considering acquiring them.

Download this whitepaper to learn about the wide variety of access control systems that are available, and what key questions you should be asking when implementing them.

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