20 Ways To Increase School Bus Safety

How can you keep students safe on buses when they’re on the way to and from school? Professional educators and transportation supervisors share their 20 best steps ranging from accident prevention to loading and unloading students to bus discipline.

A sneak peak on what this download has to offer, are some of the 20 best steps:

1) Use the 3-Bus Rule –  buses are unloaded three at a time to allow a minimum number of students on the ground with the maximum amount of adult supervision.

2) Keep Back Bus Seats Empty –  most bus crashes happen from the rear of the bus.

3) Drivers Should Signal Students When It’s OK to Cross –  Many in the industry recommend the use of a signal procedure for safe street crossings and urge parents to educate their children about road safety.

4) Be Vigilant in Seating, DisciplineMaking sure that students are properly seated is a key safety factor. Because student discipline problems can negatively impact others on the bus, they should be addressed swiftly.

5) Don’t Succumb to DistractionStaying focused and avoiding distractions are critical in operating a school bus.

Download “20 Ways to Increase School Bus Safety” to see the remaining tips to School Bus Safety!

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