Feik School of Pharmacy Chooses SEAtS Software to Monitor Attendance

SEAtS Contact Tracing tools allow the school to track community transmission and quickly alert students and staff of any potential risk.
Published: November 27, 2020

SAN ANTONIO, Texas — The Feik School of Pharmacy, located within the University of the Incarnate Word (UIWFSOP) has partnered with SEAtS Software to tracks student attendance and provide COVID-19 Early Alert contact tracing.

With online attendance tools, students can check-in through live links for all online Zoom lectures. For in-class attendance, students can check-in using the SEAtS Attend Mobile App using Bluetooth iBeacons located in each teaching space.

The university discovered SEAtS when the coronavirus pandemic struck. With the SEAtS introduction of thermal devices to monitor student temperature and a change in university policy requiring mandatory attendance tracking, the platform provided the necessary solutions, says the school.

“This meant that we could automatically check students’ temperatures as they arrived on campus and utilize contact tracing methods using the attendance data,” said UIWFSOP Dean David Maize. “We saw SEAtS as an option to track attendance and temperature with a strong automated system in their workflows.”

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Using SEAtS Contact Tracing tools, UIWFSOP can track and trace community transmission and alert students and staff of any potential risk. The platform also provides an Early Alert, where the workflow emails alert staff to “at-risk” students, so the staff can prioritize early-intervention steps. As an additional level of screening, the university uses SEAtS thermal scanners to capture students’ temperatures as they enter the campus.

“The SEAtS automated workflow will reduce the need for staff to monitor and communicate with students, faculty, and student services,” Maize emphasized. “It will greatly save us time so that the reason for the student’s attendance problem can be solved instead of the time-consuming task of determining who is actually absent.”

The platform has also helped the school reduce paperwork by moving away from manual attendance systems. Additionally, the platform’s cloud- and mobile-ready tools have increased student engagement and attendance.

“SEAtS is delighted to add Incarnate Word to our student success family, and we are excited to partner together in driving student engagement, retention, and better outcomes,” said SEAtS Software CEO Noel Dooley. “Incarnate Word is committed to continuous improvement. SEAtS Students Attendance App and Dashboards puts the shared information that Incarnate Word Leadership, Staff, and Students need to succeed at their fingertips every day.”

For more information, visit seatssoftware.com.

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