Connected Nation, AT&T to Provide 35,000 Hotspots to 124 Schools, Nonprofits

The K-12 Homework Gap Program focuses on students in foster care, those experiencing homelessness, and students with disabilities, among others.
Published: February 26, 2021

Connected Nation, a nonprofit technology organization that provides solutions for expanding access to high-speed internet, has teamed up with AT&T to establish its K-12 Homework Gap Program, which will provide hotspots to 124 schools and nonprofits.

This week, the awardees have been named and include 81 schools and 43 nonprofits spanning 26 states, according to a press release. Schools and nonprofits were able to seek up to 500 hotspots per application.

AT&T, which has made a $10 million commitment, collaborated with Connected Nation to administer the program to help the nation’s most vulnerable students participate in connected learning during the coronavirus pandemic.

“There are so many students of all ages who are struggling with the need to be online for their classes. We applaud AT&T for focusing on those students who are often overlooked and unserved,” said Brent Legg, executive vice president of government affairs at Connected Nation. “We have a responsibility to help ensure that all kids have the opportunity to learn regardless of their circumstances, and I’m proud that we can be part of the solution to help ensure that those most vulnerable among us aren’t left behind.”

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The program is primarily focused on impacting students in the following groups:

  • Students in foster care
  • Students experiencing homelessness
  • English language learners
  • Students with disabilities
  • Students eligible for the Migrant Education Program
  • Other at-risk students who may be disproportionately disconnected from formal education opportunities

“Many of the children this program will help have been disconnected from their schools and have lost months, if not years, of their education,” said Tom Ferree, chairman & CEO at Connection Nation. “This program puts devices and services into the hands of organizations that are directly impacting lives of students and can effectively help them finally access remote learning — closing the homework gap for some of our nation’s most at-risk kids.”

To see the full list of awardees and to learn more about the program, visit

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