Featured Sessions from This Summer’s Campus Safety Conferences Now Available on Campus Safety HQ

Campus Safety HQ delivers online education and training from leading experts on critical issues that help you train K-12, higher education, healthcare, and corporate stakeholders how to respond to emergencies.
Published: December 3, 2019

When a crisis happens, would you know how to respond appropriately? What about your administrators, teachers, front office staff, custodians, food service personnel and bus drivers? Have you assessed, measured and validated your campus or district’s ability to respond? These are just some of the questions that Campus Safety HQ can help you answer.

Campus Safety HQ is a specially designed online training resource center from Campus Safety magazine and Campus Safety conference that provides up-to-date training and information to help your campus or district face today’s safety and security challenges.

When you sign up for a FREE membership to Campus Safety HQ, you will learn from world-renown campus emergency management, security and law enforcement experts on a wide variety of critical issues. Doing so will add realism to your training programs and develop buy-in from campus and community stakeholders so they take safety seriously.

Whether you are a public safety official, security director, emergency manager, administrator or consultant, Campus Safety HQ’s growing library of Campus Safety resources will help you conduct more meaningful, budget-friendly and frequent training for you and your organization. Sign up for a FREE membership to:

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Our library of educational videos, expert interviews, and resource library will continue to grow, as does our desire to consistently provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to create a safer campus.

Once you join, you’ll be able to share useful content with your colleagues and save the videos you want to watch under your account. We’ll also send you a monthly newsletter of new content and information that has been added so that are able to set aside time to learn more about keeping your campus safe.

Be sure to check out all of these resources and frequently visit hq.campussafetymagazine.com to access our latest releases.

For more information on Campus Safety HQ, click here.

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Strategy & Planning Series