Walla Walla High School Uses NetDVMS Software From OnSSI

Published: December 11, 2009

To ensure the safety of students, staff and facilities, Walla Walla High School in Washington state has implemented video surveillance management software from On-Net Surveillance Systems, Inc. (OnSSI) to combine video streams from cameras located throughout its campus into an intelligent, user-friendly system.. Walla Walla Electric, Inc. provided their design, consultation and installation expertise as the school’s integration partner.

Walla Walla High School leverages the advantages of NetDVMS software from OnSSI, a large-scale Internet protocol (IP) video surveillance management system designed for multi-site/multi-server network video recorder and camera management applications. NetDVMS offers powerful recording, archiving and event management capabilities for an unlimited number of cameras. Using OnSSI’s client software, the Walla Walla High School principal can watch video from a 42-in. flat-screen monitor in his office, and there are other viewing locations on various standard workstation computers.

NetDVMS, also an Ocularis platform recorder, is a large-scale IP video surveillance management system designed for multi-site/multi-server NVR and camera management applications. NetDVMS provides powerful, enterprise-level recording, archiving and event management capabilities for an unlimited number of cameras, providing convergence with physical security and IT systems, advanced content analytics modules and Universal Camera Support.

“The education market is a perfect environment to showcase the capabilities of OnSSI’s networked video management solutions,” said Jeff Knapp VP, Marketing, OnSSI. “The system combines the video from cameras around the campus and transforms it into intelligence to help school administrators and security professionals ensure the safety and security of students. Walla Walla High School is an example of how educational facilities can reap the benefits of this powerful technology.”

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OnSSI December 2009 press release.

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