VIDEO: Campus Cops’ Music Video Goes Viral

Watch the University of Delaware Police rap and dance (or try to dance) to connect with students for safety meeting them with their smartphones.
Published: February 12, 2016

Move over, Drake and the hit single “Hotline Bling.”

This wildly popular rendition of the song (trending now at #CopLineBling) already has more than 900,000 views, 12,000 likes and over 15,000 shares on Facebook.

The campus-cops-turned-rappers at the University of Delaware turned Drake’s hit on lost love and a missed phone call into a lighthearted reminder that students have multiple ways to connect to safety and security resources when they need help or see a dangerous situation. The video message conveys important information while using the rap to directly connect with students. Throughout the song, UD Police take viewers through the various options available to students to stay safe, secure and protected.

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One of the options includes a right-from-their-cell-phone app called LiveSafe which enables students to share a variety of real-time information with two way communication directly to UD Police.

Through a new specially configured dashboard in the UD Police Command Center, officers can continuously monitor for students’ incoming GPS-enabled texts, and interact with students in real time. LiveSafe lets students “see something, say something” silently or anonymously. They can also share photos, video and audio files directly with officers in the command center.

“The officers who ‘star’ in our video know you sometimes have to go the extra mile to capture the attention of students on our campus,” said Jason Pires, University of Delaware Police Captain. “The video gets out the word that we’re – really – here to help.”

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#CopLineBling also reminds students of traditional ways to reach police, like the “blue light” emergency phones located around campus.

Campus police have gone to great lengths to connect with students before, but this might be the most creative (or embarrassing, depending on your perspective). Regardless of what you think of their moves, these cops get their message across effectively.

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