USF Locks Down After 3 Campus Emergencies

TAMPA Bay, Fla.
Published: October 4, 2009

The University of South Florida (USF) was on lockdown for several hours after university officials notified students of a possible gunman on campus, a bomb scare on a bus, and a man walking through campus with a large knife.

According to the Tampa Tribune, a man on a bus said he was carrying a bomb, but later said it was a hoax. Tampa police’s bomb squad was called to the scene. According to the news report, the bomb squad detonated a backpack left on a campus bus by the suspect.

School officials sent text messages to students warning them of another individual who was seen carrying a puppy and a large hunting knife in the campus’ main hall. The man was arrested and later released. Police kept the weapon.

Officials also responded to report of an armed intruder at the campus library. That suspect has also been detained.

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Police are investigating whether the three simultaneous incidents are related.

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