WASHINGTON – Government officials believe that U.S. schools are not prepared for terrorists assaults, in the event that one should happen, news reports state.
This information comes three years after terrorists attacked a school in Beslan, North Ossetia-Alania, an area in the Russian Federation that resulted in 396 deaths and 437 injuries.
According to U.S. law enforcement authorities, floor plans for schools located in Virginia, Texas and New Jersey were found in Iraq in the hands of detained terrorists. In addition, authorities believe that terrorists are seeking to obtain jobs as school bus drivers and armed security for schools.
Additionally, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, president of Killogogy Research Group, and Todd Rassa, a SigArms Academy trainer, believe that if at least one or two teachers or administrators are armed on campus, it could essentially be the difference of life and death.
The most likely targets for attacks are believed to be middle schools where the students are not big enough to fight back and the girls can be raped. Grossman also says the schools attacked will probably be in states “with no concealed-carry laws and no hunting culture” and in areas where police do not carry rifles.