U.S. House Passes AED Grant Program

Published: June 3, 2009

The National Safety Council praises Members of the House of Representatives for their June 2 vote to pass the Josh Miller HEARTS Act, which establishes a grant program through the Department of Education to place automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in elementary and secondary schools. The legislation now heads to the Senate, where Senator George Voinovich (R-OH) plans to introduce companion legislation later this week.

“The National Safety Council praises our nation’s lawmakers for passing this lifesaving bill,” said Janet Froetscher, NSC President & CEO. “AEDs provide immediate care and can make the difference between life and death. It is important schools are equipped with AEDs to respond quickly to emergency cardiac care situations. I hope the Senate will quickly take up and pass this important legislation.”

Introduced by Representative Betty Sutton (D-OH), H.R. 1380, the Josh Miller HEARTS (Helping Everyone Access Responsive Treatment in Schools) Act, is named in memory of Josh Miller, a 15 year old from Ohio who suffered sudden cardiac arrest during a high school football game. By the time an AED arrived, it was too late. Public access to AEDs can raise the survival rate for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests from below 5 percent to as high as 50 percent. The American Heart Association estimates that widespread availability and use of AEDs could save as many as 50,000 Americans each year.

Recognizing National CPR and AED Awareness Week, June 1-7, the NSC is offering free online “First Aid and CPR with AED” training for adults. To register, June 1-7 only visit: http://www.safetyserve.com/firstaidnationalCPRweek/. The NSC offers training in first aid, CPR and AED all year, through its local chapters. Chapter contact information is available at www.nsc.org.

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