Upcoming West Coast Training, Job Opportunity Announced

Published: May 19, 2007

Clery Act Training

Clery Act Training will be held in Spokane, Wash. at Gonzaga Universityon June 21-22. This is an opportunity for those in the Northwest toattend one of these DOJ-funded trainings.

Visit Event Rebelsto register.


Taser Training for Executives

TASER: Use of Force, Risk Management and Legal Strategies ForChiefs, Sheriffs, Risk Managers and Legal Advisors

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Hosted by the San Diego State University Police Department,San Diego, July 23 & 24

Due to the overwhelming response to the first twopresentations of this program in Scottsdale, Ariz., a series ofpresentations has been scheduled around the U.S. and Canada.

TASER International, through the TASER Training Academy, hasput together a two-day program specifically designed for lawenforcement executives and government risk managers, legal counsels andmedical advisors. Topics covered include an overview of TASERelectronic control devices, use-of-force legal and policy issues,medical information and risk mitigation.

Attendees will receive substantial factual information as tohow TASER electronic control devices incapacitate individuals, howthese devices fit into law enforcement use-of-force deploymentstrategies, various policy recommendations (including IACP, PERF andothers), what medical studies are being performed and the currentfindings, the effects of TASER devices on liability exposures and onreducing officers’ and suspects’ injuries.

The first day will begin with an overview of TASER electroniccontrol devices including: TASER technology, what is neuro-muscularincapacitation and how TASER devices achieve it, cartridges,drive-stuns, tactics and the TASER International training program. Theremainder of the program will consist of presentations on medicalsafety issues including TASER technology safety studies and reports, areview of the legal issues involved with deploying the TASER devices,use-of-force issues, excessive force analysis, 42 U.S.C. Section 1983liability issues, and a review of current case law and an overview ofrisk management issues including an analysis of TASER deployment on therisk management cost pyramid and statistical data from a riskmanagement authority on TASER device programs. The agenda may varyslightly based on the availability of presenters.

Attendance to this course is limited to current law enforcementexecutives and their designees, government legal counsels, riskmanagers and medical advisors.

San Diego State University
Aztec Athletic Center Auditorium
5302 55th Street
San Diego, CA 92182

There will be a $3 charge for parking per day for all personalvehicles. Fee to be collected during check-in. More info can be foundat: police.sdsu.edu/parkinginfo.htm.

Deadline to register is July 15. For more information, visit www.taser.com.


Terrorism Liaison Officers: Role in School/CommunityPartnership

This course will include training for TLOs, SROs and schoolpersonnel in security issues, and recognition and handling of potentialrecruitment activity and indications of involvement in extremist groupson school campuses. In addition, students will address response issuesto threats and acts of terrorism that directly or indirectly affectthem. Training will include establishing or reviewing response plansfor hostage, bombing and other potentially devastating scenarios thatcould affect our schools, and the importance of networking, trainingand exercising with schools and the first responder community. TLOs,SROs and school personnel will learn to work within an informationexchange network to collect and disseminate information to appropriateagencies that can analyze and act on that information as quickly aspossible.

Monday, August 6 – Friday,August 10, 0800-1700 hours

Katella Training Facility
1900 West Katella Avenue
Orange, CA 92867

Class size is limited to 30 students; please contact DianeCoffman at [email protected]or (714) 538-2704 for reservations.


Job Announcement

Washington State University is in the process of conducting asearch to fill the position of Police Chief. To apply, send a coverletter addressing your qualifications, a resume and the names andtelephone numbers of three references to:

E-mail: [email protected],subject line: Search #4723
Mail: Ken Vreeland, Search Committee Chair
Chief of Police Search c/o
Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs
P.O. Box 641045
Pullman, WA 99164-1045

Questions, contact Barb Holder at (509) 335-5524

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