University of New Hampshire Launches Roam Secure Alert Network™ for Emergency Notification

Published: February 8, 2008

ARLINGTON, Va. – Cooper Notification, a platform of Cooper Industries, Ltd., announced Tuesday that the University of New Hampshire (UNH) has launched its Roam Secure Alert Network™ (RSAN™) for emergency notification. Campus public safety officials can now quickly and reliably send targeted alerts via email, text messaging and other channels to students, faculty and staff. Parents of students, alumni and friends of the university can also sign up for the system, UNH Alert, at no charge by visiting

The University of New Hampshire in Durham, NH, has over 13,000 students and over 100,000 living alumni. The University of New Hampshire joins other universities across the country using RSAN™ for emergency notification, including Villanova University in Pennsylvania, George Mason University in Virginia and the University of Southern California.

“Colleges and universities are facing an ever-increasing amount of natural and man-made emergencies,” said Paul Dean, UNH deputy police chief and emergency operations coordinator. “Having transparency with the community allows for better management of emergencies and is part of a best-practices plan for any campus.”

Over 170 RSAN™ systems are currently operating across the country at local, state and federal government agencies, schools, hospitals, refineries and other key businesses. Cooper Notification’s patent-pending Roam Secure Information Exchange (RSIX) enables the University of New Hampshire to securely connect with RSAN™ systems at other schools and in several major metropolitan areas around the country, including the Washington, DC, Philadelphia, and San Francisco areas. UNH is now part of the growing national emergency information exchange and can choose to receive and share emergency information with other schools and cities using RSAN™ free of charge.

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“We welcome the University of New Hampshire to our growing base of higher education customers and welcome them as part of the Roam Secure Alert Network™ and the national emergency information exchange. We look forward to continuing to work with UNH to tailor the system as their needs evolve, and are hopeful that other UNH campuses and other universities in New England will soon join those using RSAN™ for emergency alerting,” said David Drescher, General Manager – Roam Secure. “Since we are now part of Cooper Notification, we are happy to offer our university customers the chance to augment their notification systems with a complete indoor and outdoor campus alerting solution with the integrated WAVES (Wireless Audio Visual Emergency System) High Power Speaker Array, which broadcasts emergency messages over wide areas, and the SAFEPATH indoor voice evacuation system, among other offerings.”


Cooper Notification Feb. 6 press release

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