FRANKFORT, Ky. – The Family Foundation of Kentucky is looking to abolish the University of Kentucky’s (UK) domestic partner benefits plan, which would allow same-sex partners to receive benefits similar to those of married couples.
The foundation asked Attorney General Greg Stumbo to issue an opinion on the plan’s constitutionality. They also requested a court injunction to stop it from going into effect on July 2. Stumbo’s office already questioned the benefits’ constitutionality in a statement on June 1.
In response to the criticism, UK rewrote the plan. The new rules allow employees to choose one sponsored dependent to receive the benefits, provided the person is not a relative, has no insurance and has lived with them for at least one year.
However, the foundation remains unsatisfied and is proceeding.
The University of Louisville implemented a similar domestic partner plan on Jan. 1. They have not yet decided if they will change their requirements.