UC Davis ‘Moving Swiftly’ to Reform Campus Police Operations

Published: April 15, 2012

UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi released this statement on Friday regarding a report on the use of pepper spray on protestors in November:

Dear UC Davis Community:

The Reynoso task force report illuminated clearly and sharply the need for major reform of campus police operations and better coordination, collaboration and communication within the UC Davis administration and with the broader university community.

We are moving swiftly to address these issues and any others that need attention. In fact, we began addressing several areas of need prior to the release of the Task Force report.

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While the Reynoso task force addresses many areas for broad improvement, parallel but wholly independent internal affairs inquiries (so-called “I. A.’s”) into officer conduct have been ongoing and are nearing completion. These inquiries will inform personnel decisions.

Meanwhile, Acting Police Chief Matt Carmichael has, in consultation with campus leadership, asked independent experts to audit department policies and training records, and propose needed changes.

Acting Chief Carmichael also has invited an internationally recognized expert in police accountability to lead a campus forum on this topic. This is envisioned as a possible step toward establishing a campus police review commission. If adopted, it would be just the second in the UC system. He will provide details soon.

We will also commission an independent, top-to-bottom audit of campus police operations, as the Task Force recommends. And, we await a report from the Special Committee of the Davis Division of the UC Academic Senate, and results of a system-wide analysis of police practices led by UC Berkeley Law School Dean Christopher Edley and UC Office of the President General Counsel Charles Robinson. We will seek ways to utilize both reports in our planning.

Efforts to improve administrative coordination, collaboration and communication are also underway. On April 6, I announced the creation of a Campus Community Council, with broad student, academic, staff, emeriti, alumni, community and administrative representatives.

This council will meet for the first time next week.  It will be an additional venue for receiving campus input on strategic campus issues, including those raised by the Task Force.

Effective collaboration, of course, extends beyond our campus. Since the report’s release, I have met with several state lawmakers and other external community members. I will meet next week with Justice Reynoso and several task force members.

These actions are only a start; they will be part of a comprehensive action plan that will be shared with the campus community.

I want to hear from you as we forge a path forward. Please send comments to [email protected]. I’ll continue to keep you regularly updated on our progress and your feedback.


Linda P.B. Katehi
Chancellor, UC Davis

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