Fire Chief to Manage UC Davis, City Departments

Published: July 29, 2010

DAVIS, Calif.—The fire departments for the University of California, Davis and the city of Davis will share one fire chief during a two-year pilot program.

The Davis City Council approved the plan on Tuesday, according to Under the pilot project, the two departments will share a dispatch center, fire chief, assistant chief, training chief and operations chief. Additionally, the project calls for restructuring of administrative support functions and standardized training policies and procedures.

The City Council is awaiting UC Davis Vice Chancellor John Meyer’s approval. Should he vote for the program, the consolidation would begin on Sept. 1. Davis Fire Department Interim Chief Bill Weisgerber will report to both Meyer and the city manager.

Currently, the UC Davis Fire Department has a fire station, 20 firefighters and an annual budget of $3.95 million. Sharing a fire chief with the city is expected to save the university $110,000 annually.

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