Two Doctoral Students Murdered in LSU Apartment

Published: December 13, 2007

BATON ROUGE, La. – Two international doctoral students from Louisiana State University (LSU) were shot and killed Dec. 13 in their on-campus apartment.

Police believe the two male doctoral candidates, Chandrasekhar Reddy Komma and Kiran Kumar Allam, were victims of a home invasion. The apartment is located near the university’s band practice field.

The LSU Police Department received the first emergency call at 10:37 p.m. When authorities arrived at the apartment complex, the two students were already dead.

Authorities reported the incident to school officials, who then sent out voice mail blasts and E-mails to students telling them to take extreme caution on the campus.

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The university made an attempt to send text messages to students signed up to the public safety service, but the university admitted that the plan failed after some who signed up for the service did not receive the alerts.

School officials stated LSU was working with the text-messaging service, clearTXT, to fix the problem.

The Baton Rouge Police Department will assist LSU police during the investigation. So far, there are no suspects.

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