TORONTO – The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) released the final report on school safety from the School Community Safety Advisory Panel, and reinforced its commitment to ensuring that its schools are safe, fair and welcoming learning environments.
The board appointed the panel on Jun. 5, 2007, following the death of student Jordan Manners at C.W. Jefferys C.I. on May 23, 2007. The panel, made up of lawyer Julian Falconer (chair), Linda MacKinnon and Peggy Edwards, was convened with the goal of understanding the events leading up to the tragic death.
“The Toronto District School Board welcomes this report with the insights it provides on important issues,” said Gerry Connelly, Director of Education for the TDSB. “These insights will, I am confident, guide us as we make our schools the safest and fairest learning environments they can be, for each and every one of our students.”
The report contains more than 100 recommendations to help improve the safety and enhance the culture at the TDSB.
“We are committed to enhancing our culture of trust and openness. This will improve our accountability and reporting processes. This will help us make our schools the safest, fairest learning and working environments they can be,” said Connelly.
Following the Interim Report last August, the board also established the School Community Safety Workgroup of Trustees to support an effective and coordinated response to the findings and recommendations of the report.
“We have wonderful, caring people who put their souls into their work. Every day, our principals, vice-principals, teachers and support staff work with students to give them hope and optimism,” said John Campbell, chair of the board.
The board has policies, procedures and programs in place to ensure school safety and caring learning environments. In the coming weeks, TDSB will be reviewing the recommendations carefully and reporting back to the board of trustees. Several new measures are already in progress, such as a pilot student safeline initiative which will be launched in the near future, as well as staff development programs on the importance of increased fairness and safety in our schools.
For further information on the report, visit the TDSB website at
___________________________________________________________________________________________TDSB Jan. 10 press release