Texas Hospital Thief Captured by CCTV, GPS Tracking

Published: August 17, 2008

AUSTIN, Texas – A man who was on parole for burglary was captured for stealing purses and wallets from two Austin hospitals. The suspect was captured on video surveillance and by his GPS tracking device.

According to police, in November 2007, 48-year-old John Johnson stole a wallet from an unattended purse at Dell Children’s Hospital and was captured on video surveillance. At the time, detectives could not make out the man’s face; however, they circulated the footage among local hospitals.

In July, security officers caught Johnson doing the same thing at University Medical Center. He is also suspected of similar thefts at other hospitals in the area.

Johnson was on parole on a 1982 burglary with the intent to commit rape charge, and had already served 20 years of a 40-year sentence. His parole required him to wear a GPS monitor. However, with his arrest, he will most likely face additional charges.

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