Test Your NIMS Knowledge With Our IS-700.A Quiz!

Take our IS-700.A NIMS quiz and see how much you remember from the course.
Published: November 9, 2017

Most of our readers have probably already taken IS-700.A NIMS at some point in their careers.

For those of you who aren’t already familiar with the National Incident Management System or NIMS, the program was developed by the Department of Homeland Security to improve coordination between incident responders of all types. The core training includes IS-700.A, which offers an introduction to NIMS.

According to FEMA, which has primary responsibility for the maintenance of national preparedness doctrine, NIMS “provides the foundation needed to ensure we can work together when our communities and the Nation need us the most. NIMS integrates best practices into a comprehensive, standardized framework that is flexible enough to be applicable across the full spectrum of potential incidents, regardless of cause, size, location, or complexity.”

Originally published in 2004 (and updated earlier this year), campus officials have long used NIMS to prevent, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of incidents.

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IS-700.A aims to give the intent of NIMS, explain key concepts and principles, describe the purpose of NIMS components and give the purpose of DHS’ National Integration Center.

In other words, the course is a great primer for NIMS, but it’s not intended to replace the Incident Command System and position-specific training.

That’s why officials who fancy themselves emergency management experts might not see the point of taking the course again, even if they haven’t looked at it in years. That’s a shame, because IS-700.A NIMS gives some good, high-level information campus officials should keep in mind while they’re creating or evaluating their emergency plans.

To give readers a refresher of IS-700.A NIMS, Campus Safety put together this short quiz to help officials test their NIMS knowledge. At the end of the quiz, you’ll see how you compare to the average CS reader!

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