Terrorist's Speech Blocked at U of Mass.

Published: November 15, 2009

Chuck Canterbury, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), was pleased to announce that convicted terrorist Raymond Luc Levasseur was not an honored guest and speaker at the University of Massachusetts on Nov. 12.

“This terrorist is on parole and he needs special permission to leave the State of Maine,” Canterbury explained. “On Tuesday we weighed in with the U.S. Parole Commission to express our objections and his permission to travel was denied. Obviously, we’re very happy with this result.”

Levasseur, described as New York City’s “most prolific bomber,” headed a domestic terrorist group called the United Freedom Front, which conducted a series of bombings from Boston to Washington, D.C.-including one at the U.S. Capitol Building in November 1983-for more than a decade. The terror campaign included nine bank robberies and more than twenty bombings that severely injured numerous victims. In 1981, members of the group murdered New Jersey State Trooper Philip J. Lamonaco.

“While we’re very glad that the parolee will not be preaching his brand of hate to students, I am still outraged that the invitation was made,” Canterbury said. “Responsible teachers do not advocate terrorism as an instrument for social change or feature convicted terrorists as speakers at college events. I understand that Trooper Lamonaco’s widow and the Massachusetts State Lodge will have a presence on campus today. She has the full support of the National FOP as well.”

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“The State Lodge Presidents in Massachusetts and New Jersey, Arnie Larson and Ed Brannigan, deserve a lot of the credit,” Canterbury said. “I am glad the Grand Lodge was able to help and I am proud that the FOP family is supporting Mrs. Lamonaco.”

Canterbury also thanked the U.S. Parole Commission and U.S. Department of Justice personnel for their decision on the travel request.

For additional information, click here.

Fraternal Order of Police November 2009 press release.

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