Teen Impersonating ER Worker Gets 1 Year in Prison

Published: November 14, 2012

KISSIMMEE, Fla. — An 18-year-old was sentenced Wednesday to serve a year in jail for impersonating a physician’s assistant in Osceola Regional Medical Center’s emergency room last year.

Upon his release, Matthew Scheidt will spend a year under house arrest followed by eight years’ probation, CNN reports. Scheidt was convicted of two counts of practicing medicine without a license and two counts of impersonating a physician’s assistant at the hospital in 2011.

A badging error listed Scheidt as a physician’s assistant, when in fact he was a clerk for a doctor’s office across the street from the hospital. Rather than alert authorities about the mistake, Scheidt worked in the hospital emergency room for weeks changing bandages, handling IVs and helping to conduct exams when he was 17.

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