Syracuse U. Releases Child Sex Abuse Report

Published: June 11, 2012

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Syracuse University is facing criticism for a report on its 2005 investigation into a child molestation allegation against its former assistant basketball coach, Bernie Fine.

The report makes a cryptic reference to a 2004 phone message in which the alleged victim, Bobby Davis, apologized and said he was wrong, The Post-Standard reports. The report does not say what Davis was apologizing for.

The 15-page report does not raise concerns about the coach’s admitted close relationship with Davis or a ball boy. It also said the university did not contact police about the allegations, and that investigators interviewed seven people, all who had personal, financial or professional relationships with Fine.

The university has said that the investigation took four months, but the report shows that it was a month shorter, The Post-Standard reports.

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Fine was fired in November. He has denied any wrongdoing and has not been charged.

Read the report.

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