Study: 85% of Colleges Have Emergency Plans

Published: July 19, 2009

The majority of higher education institutions have instituted campuswide emergency
preparedness plans that cover a wide spectrum of possible emergencies, according to the results of the newly released National Campus Safety and Security Project survey spearheaded by the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO).

What’s more, campus leadership on emergency preparedness is widely shared across many college and university departments.

Highlights of the study include the following:

  • 85% of all survey respondents have an emergency preparedness plan that at least meets the standards set by the National Fire Protection Association;
  • Two-thirds of public and private four-year colleges and universities have a plan in place for communicating with students, faculty, and staff during and after an emergency;
  • 77% of respondents have adopted an on-campus emergency preparedness committee that includes membership from a wide variety of departments.

To download the full report, click here.

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