Students Protest Finger Scans at U. of Northern B.C.

Published: December 2, 2007

PRINCE GEORGE, British Columbia, Canada – Authorities at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) were shocked when the introduction of finger scans caused an uproar with students.

The school installed a biometric finger scanner at the Northern Sports Center as a cost-effective way to ensure the facility’s safety. Students, on the other hand, believe the scanners are an invasion of privacy.

A grad student at the university, Janice Montbriand has circulated a petition to either introduce a new plan for accessing the facility or terminating the new system altogether. The petition has accumulated 400 signatures. There are 3,700 students enrolled at the institution.

School officials maintain the scanners will not be an invasion of privacy. UNBC’s director of public relations, Rob van Adrichem stated the scan will measure the distance between 10 points on the finger, and then, using an intricate algorithm, the 10 points will be converted into a number.

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Van Adrichem said that in the event the system is compromised, all that would be found is a list of names and numbers and not personal information.

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