Student Reporters Uncover Hidden Surveillance Cameras at Boston High School

Published: January 2, 2008

BOSTON – After researching hidden security cameras on Google, students at Newton South High School discovered cameras had been installed on their own campus.

The school’s newspaper, called Denebola, was the first to report the news. After reporters at the newspaper Googled “hidden security cameras,” they came across the exact devices they had discovered on the Internet. Later, the reporters learned the cameras had been installed during the summer break.

The cameras were placed in areas where student property is often stolen, such as the restrooms and locker rooms.

However, students and administrators were upset the cameras had been installed. Principal Brian Salzer wrote in an internal E-mail that the cameras had been installed without his knowledge and without permission from the proper authorities. Salzer also stated students informed the school committee and Superintendent Jeff Young, all of whom were unaware of the security cameras.

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A spokesman added that Mayor David Cohen was not informed of the installed equipment.

For his part, Salzer stated he knew who installed the cameras but refused to name the individuals involved. He believes the cameras will be removed as soon as possible.

The chairman of the school committee explained the issue would be discussed following the holiday season.

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