A former Faulkner University student has been denied a bail reduction for his terrorist threats charge. The 22-year-old allegedly posted a Facebook status that threatened a university massacre on par with Seung-Hui Cho’s Virginia Tech attack.
District Judge Sharon Yates ruled against reducing Zachary Lambert’s $500,000 bond on Dec. 18. The typical bond for terrorist threat charges range from $2,500 to $15,000, reports Montgomery Advertiser.
A Faulkner University student alerted university officials about Lambert’s alleged threat, which read, ” … thinks it is about time I snap and injure or kill as many people as I can. Cho’s record, HERE I COME.”
According to Lambert’s attorney, a psychological evaluation determined that his client would not be a threat if released. Additionally, his attorney argues that Lambert has no weapons and has no criminal history.
Lambert was a criminal justice major that had worked in Faulkner’s security department.
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